Monday, December 18, 2006

You Take the Good, You Take the Bad...

We had an awesome / horrible weekend-

The awesome part- Friday nite annual Christmas dinner with friends - my sis, her husband, Nonnahs, her sister and W. Everything was excellent and no kids to scream at the dinner table. Then, Saturday, lunch with high school friends, our annual secret angel exchange, yummy Italian food then some power shopping. Then, that nite, the most incredible Billy Joel concert. And then some clubbing since my sis in law had the kids.

Now the bummer part. We get home at 4:30 am (we tend to milk it when we dont have the kids) and at a very early 6:00 am - which felt like 5 minutes after I fell asleep on the count of too much wine and a sore tummy- my SIL calls and says C-girl has been throwing up ALL nite. Needless to say my Sunday was not that great. And the sore tummy I thought was from the wine, well lets just say I had a touch of the same that C-girl had. Uck. So it was a very unproductive Sunday, and all I could think as I lied there clutching my evil stomach was, that I had a ton of presents still to wrap and that those gingerbread men for C-boys class were NEVER going to be done (I hardly think the parents would want me baking with a flu). Thankfully my husband took care of the kids all afternoon and nite, I hardly heard a peep from my darkened bedroom. Thank you W, you rock.

Well, today is a much better day, although I think I'll be skipping any cabernet for the next few nights, let me tell you. I'll just end with a pic I took last week, it was a slight bit chilly - still shorts weather but a nice cozy hoodie would work too. And I told C-girl to take a pic of her in the pretty pink shawl that Aunty Nonnahs made for her a while back, she decided her demure look was the way to go with this one.

This, I'm not sure what she's doing, but you can see our yard is finally getting some attention. Yay! Not sure how its going to end up, but anything is better than the horrid barren area that it was.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the tummy flu - bleh! Glad y'all didn't get it until after I left (KIDDING!) Well, I'm glad you're feeling better! And how cute is C-girl? :)

Heather said...

so sweet!!! I'm reading the posts backwards so I thought c-boy was the only sick one and now in this post I figured out that c-girl was sick too and then you as well! Hope you are all feeling better soon!!!