Monday, October 23, 2006

Little Doggie Froufrou

W is on a quest for a dog. Ever since I said 'Okay, but I won't feed it, clean it, clean up after it or train it' he has been on the prowl for a puppy like nobody's business. So there are phone calls, emails and constant checking in the paper.

In Hawaii, there's a demand for little froufrou dogs so its hard to find a really good one, even if you're willing to pay premium for it. Our kids are allergic to most pets so it has to be a hypo-allergenic dog like a poodle or maltese. We saw some maltese and lahsa ahpso(sp?) dogs yesterday at the pet store, only 1699.00, what a bargain. I know we'll keep looking, but all I want is to be able to do is name it and put frilly outfits on it(and maybe paint its toenails. Lets hope its a girl.

We used to have a poodle but when I got pregnant with the boy the smell absolutely made me heave, and since we had only had it for about 6 months we decided we needed to give it to someone who wouldn't despise it. Now I regret it a bit, the couple that took her treat her like a queen and take her wherever they go. She got a better life and now we are looking at buying the same kind of dog - but at double the price since there is such a demand. Go figure.

Regardless, I'm buying the dog(that we will eventually get)one of these...

So there.


Anonymous said...

I'm still not understanding how foofy dogs like poodles and malteses are hypo-allergenic, but okay...if you say so...

Anonymous said...

Huh. Is all I have to say.