Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I watched the new PBS series E2, the first in a 6 part series. Very interesting. Although I was skeptical since its about architecture and I am very unknowledgable about architecture - except for what I read in Dwell, I was extremely impressed. The sustainablity part I can get into. It's only a half and hour and Brad Pitt as narrator didn't harm either. Like most PBS series the photography is awesome, and inspiring(definitely makes me want to visit NY again, but then so does any show that features NY in it, good grief, old episodes of 'Friends' will do it for me). I will be watching the rest of the series, I think its on for the next 5 Monday nights.

While I watch I'm sure the two monsters will be jumping all over me and shouting mean things at each other, but its to be expected.

See, you thought I could go without saying anything negative. Its ingrained, can't help myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds so cool! I'll try to catch the rest of the episodes.