Wednesday, August 02, 2006

oh! so soft and cuddly

I just finished watching the last three episodes of the Hills, so i can be all set for tonites finale. I'm convinced that Jason is a Monchichi. He has to be, all that hair, its all over the place. What does Lauren see in him? Besides hair. When they fight he says the most senseless mean things. He got mad because someone she used to like called her... but its okay that she lied to him about the photo shoot. heh? And the ridiculous fight on New Years, don't talk again... ever? heh? how mean is that? I would not take that kind of talk from my husband. I think the editors are not showing something or he just has strange issues. oh well. Off to find pick up popcorn for tonite. and oh yeah, nair. Wait, maybe I should do some work...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DAHAHAH I totally agree. His hairy face. UGH.